About Us
Mission Statement
"Our mission is to be the Industry Leader providing environmental services to protect natural resources and communities."
The environmental professionals at Aquatic Vegetation Control, Inc. (AVC) clearly understand the significant economic and ecological implications of invasive vegetation in Florida and its detrimental effects on natural ecosystems and public safety. We fully comprehend the magnitude of these adverse effects on stormwater drainage, property values, highway safety, mosquito control, aesthetic values, recreation and tourism, biodiversity, critical habitat loss, fisheries, wildlife populations, and other impacts too numerous to list.
We are proud to be among the environmental professionals assisting local, state, and federal agencies and the private sector in tackling the challenging task of maintaining public safety and reclaiming Florida's natural areas and waterways for future generations.
Public and Professional Service
To this day, AVC’s fundamental principles of quality work, positive client relations, value-added services, and the responsible care of aquatic and terrestrial systems under our stewardship remain the driving influences that allow AVC to be considered a leader in providing vegetation management solutions throughout Florida. In addition to these core values, the company is also committed to increasing the quality of the communities in which we conduct business. This is accomplished through involvement in many professional organizations and providing volunteer support for community and environmental events. AVC believes our duty is to help the communities that support us. We volunteer our professional resources to assist on environmental workdays with groups such as The Nature Conservancy, Camp Tanah Keeta, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and various counties and cities.
We understand the need for leadership within our professional organizations and have committed our resources to serving on several levels.
AVC supports the following organizations through contributions and service:
· Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society (FAPMS)
· Florida Vegetation Management Association (FVMA)
· Florida Invasive Species Council (FISC)
· Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation (AERF)
· North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA)
· Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE)
· South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society (SFAPMS)
· American Public Works Association (APWA)
· ABC Florida East Coast Chapter (ABCFEC)
· Florida Association of Environmental Professionals (FAEP)