Weed Science Research Station (WSRS)

“Offering Weed Science Research to the Herbicide Industry”

Why Research?

WSRS 1Florida’s environment, along with the rest of the United States, is impacted by new aquatic and terrestrial invasive plants every day. Some of these weeds can be controlled effectively with current EPA labeled herbicides. Many plants require further experiments and field research to determine the best herbicide or tank mixes taking into consideration such factors as the following: efficacy, target weeds, cost, mode of action, application techniques, and adjuvants. The staff at the Weed Science Research Station (WSRS) and research associates, Vandiver Consultants, offer a flexible, confidential experimentation program designed to meet the needs of all clients interested in enhancing the management of aquatic and terrestrial weeds. The WSRS can work with protocols designed by the client, or develop them for our clients. We respect the proprietary information our clients entrust to WSRS and deliver results in a secure manner.

Our Team

WSRS 2WSRS is staffed by AVC Senior Scientist, Elroy Timmer who oversees the day to day operations of the station. Dr. Vernon Vandiver of Vandiver Consultants will design and conduct the protocols established for each project. Mr. Timmer and Dr. Vandiver have a combined 80 years in the weed research discipline and both men conducted aquatic weed research at the IFAS Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida. At the request of our clients, we can publish and present research results in a professional or corporate forum. We can also accommodate guest research associates at the station if it suits the needs of our clients.

WSRS current specifications
• (48) 3’ x 9’ epoxy lined test cells
• (55) 20 gallon barrels
• (70) 15 gallon barrels
• (4) 200 gallon containment cells

All of the test cells are plumbed with adjustable flowing water capabilities (supplied by an onsite pond) and overflows to regulate the volume. All test cells are covered with mesh screen to eliminate vectors of interference and cross contamination. The concrete test cells are epoxy lined to reduce water quality issues and to facilitate cleaning.

WSRS is the only private research facility in South Florida dedicated to further the science of aquatic and terrestrial weed management.

Supported Organizations

Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society
Florida Invasive Species Council
Florida Vegetation Management Association
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation
North American Invasive Species Management Association
Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment
South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society
American Public Works Association
 ABC Florida East Coast Chapter
Florida Association of Environmental Professionals